LE LOCUTEUR HAOUSSA ET L'ACQUISITION DE LA STRUCTURE DES SUBORDONNÉES FRANÇAISES (The Hausaphone Speaker and the Acquisition of the Structure of French Subordinate Clauses )
La langue française a déjà reçu beaucoup d'attention du point de vue des recherches linguistiques. Mais le haoussa, langue dominante de communication au nord du Nigéria a encore un bout de chemin à faire. On est alors appellé à affronter un tel travail. Cette étude tente de faire la lumière sur les difficultés que rencontrent l’haoussaphone francisant dans l'acquisition de...
Published at ABUDoF Journal of Humanities, Department of French, A.B.U. Zaria.
Volume 1
Issue 8
Pages 49-65
Published in 2009
Maryam Tar
Tar Maryam » Maryam Tar holds a Masters Degree in French (M.A French) from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and a Ph.D in French Linguistics from Covenant University, Ota.
She is a lecturer in French, in the Department of Languages, College of Development Studies, Covenant University Ota. Prior to that, she had taught for several years at The College of Education Jalingo, Taraba State.
Over the years, she... view full profile