Optimal Activation of French for Specific Purposes for Human Development in Nigeria
It would not be far from the truth to say that communication through the use of the natural language plays a paramount role in the quest for development, be it human, social, political, technological and any other form of development. A paramount role because knowledge, which is the life wire of any development effort, is acquired through information. Information comes through communication...
Published at Kuupole D.D. amd Bariki I. (eds) Applied Social Dimension of Language Use and Teaching in West Africa
Pages 224 - 230
Samuel Tuesday Owoeye
Owoeye Samuel Tuesday » Samuel Tuesday OWOEYE was formerly the Director of the Covenant University’s prestigious African Leadership Development Center (ALDC). He graduated with a second class upper division B.A. Degree in French from the University of Ilorin in 1996. After his National Service between 1997 and 1998, he went back to the same University for his Master Degree which he completed in 1999. Having worked... view full profile