Cognition, Private Speech and Oral Expression: Implications for Nigerian Learners of French
The acquisition of oral proficiency has always been critical to the teaching and learning of foreign/second language all over the world. Meanwhile, recent researches have suggested that cognitive strategies could be helpful in the learners’ efforts at acquiring both oral and writing proficiencies in foreign/second languages. After a brief survey of the major theoretical considerations as...
Published at Kaduna State University Journal of French (KASUJOF)
Volume 1
Issue 1
Pages 313 - 27
Samuel Tuesday Owoeye
Owoeye Samuel Tuesday » Samuel Tuesday OWOEYE was formerly the Director of the Covenant University’s prestigious African Leadership Development Center (ALDC). He graduated with a second class upper division B.A. Degree in French from the University of Ilorin in 1996. After his National Service between 1997 and 1998, he went back to the same University for his Master Degree which he completed in 1999. Having worked... view full profile