Promoting Cassava Productivity in Ogun State: Linking Data and Policy
Cassava yields in Ogun State have consistently increased from 15.5tons/ha in 2006 to 17.65 tons /ha in 2012. This dipped in 2013 and 2014 to 17.27 tons/ha and 16.15 tons/ha, respectively but peaked to 17.05 tons/ha in 2015 after the intervention. -The State Government’s interventionist policies have consistently been reflected by increases in output levels. -Though commendable, there is the...
Published in 2017
Samuel Adeogun, Ngozi Adeleye, Siraj Fashola, Evans Osabuohien
Osabuohien Evans » Evans S. Osabuohien is a Professor of Economics and the Head, Department of Economics & Development Studies, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. He was appointed HOD in 2016, emerging as the Youngest HOD in the University. He holds B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D (Economics) and started lecturing and researching career in 2004. He received Double Promotion to the Rank of a Full Professor of Economics in... view full profile