Impact of Real Shocks on Business Cycles in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries
This study examines business cycle fluctuations in selected Sub-Saharan
African (SSA) countries. The study measures the impact of selected real shocks, namely: terms of trade shocks, commodity price shocks, and government spending shocks, on macroeconomic fluctuations in SSA. The impact of the selected shocks was measured by the Bayesian Panel Vector Autoregression (BPVAR) technique. It was...
Published at Cogent Business and Management
Volume 8
Issue 1
Published in 2021
Amu, B, Osabuohien, E., Alege, P. & Ejemeyowi, J
Osabuohien Evans » Evans S. Osabuohien is a Professor of Economics and the Head, Department of Economics & Development Studies, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. He was appointed HOD in 2016, emerging as the Youngest HOD in the University. He holds B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D (Economics) and started lecturing and researching career in 2004. He received Double Promotion to the Rank of a Full Professor of Economics in... view full profile