ICT Adoption, Competition and Innovation of Informal Firms in West Africa: Comparative Study of Ghana and Nigeria
This study aims to investigate how ICT adoption enhances the innovativeness of informal firms in West Africa, using the cases of Ghana and Nigeria. The study used the World Bank Enterprise Survey data 2014 for Ghana and Nigeria with binary logistic regression analysis to achieve this. Four different innovations are modelled. They include: first, whether a firm has innovated based on producing a...
Published at Journal of Enterprising Communities
Volume 14
Issue 3
Pages 397-414
Published in 2020
Karakara, A. A. & Osabuohien, E.
Osabuohien Evans » Evans S. Osabuohien is a Professor of Economics and the Head, Department of Economics & Development Studies, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. He was appointed HOD in 2016, emerging as the Youngest HOD in the University. He holds B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D (Economics) and started lecturing and researching career in 2004. He received Double Promotion to the Rank of a Full Professor of Economics in... view full profile