Global Trade and Trade Protection in a Globalized
While the World Trade Organisation and Regional Trade Agreements work for boosting the global trade, trade protection remains prevalent. This contradiction took a new turn during the
2007/2008 global financial and economic crisis. There has been an argument that trade protectionist activities are influenced by diverse factors, including social, economic and institutional factors. This study...
Published at Transnational Corporations Review
Published in 2018
Evans S. Osabuohien, Ibukun Beecroft & Uchenna R. Efobi
Osabuohien Evans » Evans S. Osabuohien is a Professor of Economics and the Head, Department of Economics & Development Studies, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. He was appointed HOD in 2016, emerging as the Youngest HOD in the University. He holds B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D (Economics) and started lecturing and researching career in 2004. He received Double Promotion to the Rank of a Full Professor of Economics in... view full profile