Heavy Metal composition of Soils in Some Nigerian Communities
The occurrence of heavy metals in some soils is becoming problematic as these affect the environment and public health. Previous studies have shown cadmium levels to be high in South-West Nigeria. Also, water samples taken from the area have high heavy metal content. The local geology may help explain the reason for the high levels of the heavy metals in the soils. The soil is from the Benin...
Published at Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
Volume 46
Issue 6
Pages 530
Published in 2014
Ogunmola, S.O., Omole, D. O., Ndambuki, J. M., and Isiorho, S.A.
Omole David » David began his graduate studies in water resources and environmental engineering in 2004, which culminated in the award of a PhD in March 2011. His main research focus is into water quality and solid waste management. He has published in reputable international and national journals on stream re-aeration coefficient modeling, water quality, sustainable consumption, groundwater quality,... view full profile