Foreign Megastores and the Nigerian Economy: A Study of Shoprite
This paper examines the phenomenon of foreign megastores in Nigeria. It offers a historical analysis of the factors responsible for their presence,
Published at MediterraneanJournalofSocialSciences,Vol.5,No.1,pp.415-423.Doi:10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n1p425 Global Impact Factor: 0.377Index Copernicus Year 2012 Impact Factor: 6.44
Published in 2014
Chidozie, Felix Chidozie, OlanrewajuIlemobola Peter, Akande, OmowunmiOmotoyese
Olanrewaju Ilemobola » Dr Olanrewaju, Ilemobola Peter is a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. He is widely published in the areas of African conflict, peace and security studies. His articles are published in revered books and academic journal outlets indexed in ISI, Scopus, etc. and presented in international conferences that are indexed... view full profile