Modified CiteScore metric for reducing the effect of self-citations
Elsevier B.V. launched a scholarly metric called CiteScore (CS) on December 8, 2016. Up till then, the journal impact factor (JIF) owned by Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) was the only trusted metric for journal evaluation. As noted by Teixeira da Silva & Memon (2017), CS offers some observed advantages over JIF. The potentials of CiteScore as a viable metric are still emerging. The paper...
Published at TELKOMNIKA
Volume 17
Issue 6
Pages 3044-3049
Published in 2019
H.I. Okagbue; S.A. Bishop; P.E. Oguntunde; P.I. Adamu; A.A. Opanuga; E.M. Akhmetshin
Okagbue Hilary Izuchukwu » Hilary Izuchukwu Okagbue Obtained his B.Tech, M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Mathematics and Statistics from the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, University of Lagos, Covenant University in 2007, 2010 and 2019 respectively. His research interests include Data Analysis, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical Cryptography and analysis of patterns in number theory. view full profile