A search for appropriate anchor tenants in shopping malls in Lagos metropolis
Anchor tenant which have been regarded as tenants in shopping mall that propel visitation and activities in the mall has been studied majorly in line with its impact on customers, other shopping outlets and generally on the mall. There appears to be no work on a search for the constituents of anchor tenant in the mall. This happens to be the crux of the present study with emphasis on three...
Published at IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Volume 665
Pages 012010
Published in 2021
C.O. Iroham; O.S. Olawale; A.S. Oni; H.I. Okagbue; M.E. Emetere; A.A. Oletubo; A.C. Egejuru; O.N. Osazuwa
Okagbue Hilary Izuchukwu » Hilary Izuchukwu Okagbue Obtained his B.Tech, M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Mathematics and Statistics from the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, University of Lagos, Covenant University in 2007, 2010 and 2019 respectively. His research interests include Data Analysis, Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical Cryptography and analysis of patterns in number theory. view full profile