Analytical Form of Sputtering in Relation to Surface Binding Energy for Different Types of Perovskites
In recent years, perovskite materials have been the focus in solar cell fabrication
industry. Herein, an investigation was conducted on the effect of ion-solid interactions on
factors are responsible for differences in the properties of these perovskite materials by using a
Monte Carlo simulations of ion beam surface sputtering. A connection was established
between the experimental...
Published at IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics
Volume Series 1299 (2019) 012022
Pages 1-8
Published in 2019
Akinwumi Akinpelu , Oluwole E. Oyewande, Onumejor C. Adaeze, Arijaje T. Emuobor, Olawole C, Ogunrionola I and Ogundile O. Paul
Ogundile Opeyemi » Opeyemi Paul Ogundile obtained his B.Sc and M.Sc in Industrial Mathematics from Covenant University. He works as a researcher and Lecturer at the department of mathematics, Covenant University,Ota, Ogun State. His research interests include: Financial and Computational Mathematics, Modelling, Stochastic processes and numerics. view full profile