Hydraulic Modelling and Optimization of a Wastewater Treatment System for Developing Nations Using Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Waste stabilization pond (WSP) is globally one of the most popular wastewater treatment options because of its high efficiency and low cost. However, no rigorous assessment of WSPs that account for cost in addition to hydrodynamics and treatment efficiency has been performed. A study was conducted that utilized Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) coupled with an optimization program to optimize...
Published at International Conference on Clean Technology and Engineering Management, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria, 12th -14th Nov. 2012.Proc. ICCEM (2012) 51 - 71
Published in 2012
David O. Olukanni, Kenneth O. Adekalu and Joel J. Ducoste
OLUKANNI, David O. » Prof. OLUKANNI, David Olatunde had his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering. He holds a B.Eng. and M.Eng. degree in Civil Engineering with research focus in Water Resource and Environmental Engineering. He is a Fulbright Fellow to the United State where he studied at the University of Oklahoma, Norman and researched at North Carolina State University, U.S.A. He is working on EESC-A and InVEST... view full profile