Heavy Metal Concentrations in Road Side Soils from Selected Locations in the Lagos Metropolis
Assessing the concentration of potentially harmful heavy metals in road side soils in Lagos metropolis is imperative in order to evaluate the potential risks to people and the environment. This is due to rapid increase in the use of vehicles for day to day transportation coupled with lack of emission standards which has raised serious concern about vehicular pollution. This paper reports the...
Published at International Journal of Engineering and Technology. Vol. 2 (10). (2012)
Published in 2012
Olukanni, D. O. And D. O. Adeoye
OLUKANNI, David O. » Prof. OLUKANNI, David Olatunde had his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering. He holds a B.Eng. and M.Eng. degree in Civil Engineering with research focus in Water Resource and Environmental Engineering. He is a Fulbright Fellow to the United State where he studied at the University of Oklahoma, Norman and researched at North Carolina State University, U.S.A. He is working on EESC-A and InVEST... view full profile