Professor Ochei Ikpefan
B.Sc (Business Administration), MBA (Finance), MSc, MPhil, PhD (Finance), FCA , ACS, ASCI, FCIB, FNIM
Research Interests
Bank Management, Ethics, Financial services Marketing, Financial Management, Development Finance
Teaching Areas
BFN 221 (Nigerian banking and financial environment),
BFN 312 (Merchant and Investment Banking)
BFN 321 (Law Ethics and Governance)
BFN 316 (Financial Services Marketing)
BFN 411 (Financial management)
BFN 412 (Practice of Banking)
BFN 417 (Bank Audit Examination and Inspection)
BFN 422 (bank Lending and Credit administration)
BFN 423 ( Management od Bank and other Financial Institution)
Selected Publications (15)
2. The Impact of Ethics and Professionalism in the Nigerian Banking Industry.
[ Download 244.58 kB ]4. Money Banks in the Nigerian Banking Industry (2000-2009).
[ Download 213.89 kB ]5. Post-Consolidation effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Nigerian Deposit Money banks.
[ Download 216.62 kB ]7. Corporate Governance as a Tool for curbing bank Distress in Nigeria banking Industry.
[ Download 170.33 kB ]8. Empirical Evidence of Financial Services Marketing in the Nigerian banking Industr
[ Download 419.84 kB ]9. Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Corporate Governance and Bank Failure in Nigeria .
[ Download 247.54 kB ]12. Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation in Southwest Nigeria:Empirical Evidence .
[ Download 176.15 kB ]Conferences Attended
2. Ikpefan, O.Ailemen (2005): “Growth of Community Banks Loans and Advances,Total Assets and Deposits in Nigeria: An Empirical Investigation”,Organized by the Nigeria Society of Financial Research.
3. Ikpefan, O.Ailemen & Sholarin, A. Muyiwa (2008): “The Future of Niger Delta:Alternative Economic Activities and Entrepreneurship Strategies for Peace and Security”, International Conference on the Nigerian State,Oil Industry and the Niger Delta, Organized by the Department of Political Science, Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State, Nigeria March 11th -13th 2008, pp 559-568.
4. Ikpefan, O. Ailemen (2008): “Roadmap to Training and Manpower Development in the Nigerian Banking Industry”, Second Annual Conference on Roadmap to Vision 2020, Organized by Department of Finance, University of Lagos, April 22nd – 23rd 2008.
5. Ikpefan, O.Ailemen & Sholarin, O. Muyiwa (2008): “Employee Perception towards
Corruption Eradication in Nigeria: A Case Study of Edo/Delta”, Organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba, Akoko Sept 10th -12th 2008.
(i) ICAN (2003): ACCERS – Accounting Education and Research Service, 2 Day National Workshop on Accounting Ethics 21th August – 22 August 2003.
(ii) CIBN (2008): “Train-The Trainers Course”, An Entrepreneur Development Programme, 9-10 July 2008.
(iii) CIBN (2011): “Establishing and Managing SMEs Profitably”, Entrepreneurship Development Programme for Professional Bankers Organized by Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN), Lagos, 24TH November, 2011.