Legal implications of manufacturers’ negligence and itseffects on consumers: A study of South West Nigeria.
The research study examined manufacturers’ negligence and its effects on consumer behaviour (cb) in South West Nigeria. The objectives of this study is to create a platform to explore the recklessness of manufacturers which is due to their negligence and its effects on cb with reference to South WestNigeria, to establish the effects of total quality management on manufacturers’ negligence,...
Published at Global ScholarsJournal of Marketing Vol. 1(1), pp 1-7 April, 2014Available online htt://www. globalscholarsjournals .org/MS/GSJMK ©2014 Global Scholars Journals.
Published in 2014
Edith Ebeguki Oni-Ojo and Dr. OluwoleIyiola.
Dr. Ebe Igbinoba is currently a Senior Lecturer and Head of the Legal Unit, Covenant University.
She obtained her Ph.D in Industrial Relation and Human Resource Management (Ind Rel. & HRM) in 2015 from Covenant University. She had earlier obtained LL.M in Law from University of Benin; a B.L from the Nigerian Law School (Abuja) and an L.LB from University of Benin.
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