Stock market Performance and Sustainable Economic Growth in Nigeria: A Bounds Testing Co-integration Approach
The study examined the relationship between stock market performance and economic growth in Nigeria. It utilized the bounds testing co-integration procedure also known as autoregressive distributed lag estimation procedure. The empirical model combined key stock market indicators and some traditional macroeconomic variables to estimate the hypothesized relationship in the study. It found that...
Published at Journal of Sustainable Development
Volume 6
Issue 8
Pages 84-92
Published in 2013
Okodua, Henry & Ewetan, O. O.
Ewetan Olabanji » Obtained B.Sc and M.Sc degrees in Economics from University of Lagos in 1985 and 1988 respectively. Obtained Ph.D in Economics from Coveannt University in 2011. Has two decades work experience in both public abd private sector before joining Covenant University in 2003. Areas of research interest are public sector economics, monetary economics and development economics. view full profile