Challenges of Car Pack Design in Nigeria
Abstract—Problems of parking space in urban towns and in all places of large congregation is becoming a common issue around the world. Over the years engineers and architects have come up with a lot of solutions finding a way to create more parking spaces within minimum size of land by the design and construction of multi-storey car parks. This is line with the trend in modern cities all over...
Published at International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
Volume 4
Issue 10
Pages 38-42
Published in 2015
Anthony Nkem Ede (PhD), Peace Feyiyemi Adepoju and Paul Oluwaseun Awoyera
Ede Anthony N. » Anthony N. Ede, PhD, is a Covenant University Associate Professor of Structures and Materials. Immediate past Head of Department (2017-2019). Has been the College of Engineering Examination Officer from 2014-2017. Dr. Ede has a Laurea (combined BSc and MSC) in Civil Engineering with specialization in Structures from the “Alma Mater Studiorum” University of Bologna, Italy, in 2001. He... view full profile