Assessment of Natural Radionuclides and Its Radiological Hazards From Tiles Made in Nigeria.
Activity concentration of 10 different brands of tiles made in Nigeria were analyzed using High purity Germanium gamma detector and its hazard indices such as absorbed dose rate, radium equivalent activity, external Hazard Index (Hex), internal Hazard Index (Hin), Annual Effective Dose (mSv/y), Gamma activity Index (Iγ) and Alpha Index (Iα) were determined. The result showed that the average...
Published at Radiation Physics and Chemistry
Volume 144
Pages 43-47
Published in 2018
3. Emmanuel E.S., Omeje M., Adewoyin O.O., Ehi-Eromosele C.O., Zaidi E., Saeed M.A.
EHI-EROMOSELE CYRIL OSEREME » Dr. EHI-EROMOSELE, Cyril Osereme obtained the B.Sc (Hons.) Industrial Chemistry (Second Class Upper) from the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma in 2001 and M.Sc Environmental Chemistry (Distinction) from the University of Lagos in 2010. He obtained the PhD Chemistry from Covenant University, Ota where he also lectures. He is a recipient of the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Georg Foster... view full profile