Primary Healthcare (PHC), Maternal and Child Mortality in Nigeria: Issues and Implications
This paper has revealed the persistent malfunction in the delivery and management of health system in Nigeria, particularly the PHC. There is urgent need for all the three tiers of government to take active initiative in revamping the corner stone of our healthcare delivery system. The rejuvenation will be in area of adequate funding, procurement of drugs, consumables, equipment, skilled...
Published at European Population Conference (EPC) 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. June 13 – 16, 2012.
Published in 2012
Shalom Nwodo Chinedu and Dominic E. Azuh
Chinedu Shalom » Shalom Nwodo Chinedu, a Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, is a faculty in the Department of Biochemistry, College of Science and Technology, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria. Professor Chinedu is a seasoned academic, researcher and University administrator. He has been actively engaged in University education since 1992. He is the immediate past Director of the African... view full profile