The church in the contemporary world: Information and communication technology in church communication for growth: A case study
The last two decades has seen the adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) in contemporary church communications for growth. Contemporary church communications for growth is taking phenomenally great strides. However, adoption levels vary across countries, church groups, church budgets, and with the increasing threat to mass gathering by insurgencies, the rate of adoption will...
Published at Journal of Media and Communication Studies
Volume 4
Issue 4
Pages 80-94
Published in 2012
Christian A. Bolu
Bolu Christian Amaechi » Graduated with B.Sc in Mechanical Engineering from University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1976, M.Eng in Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto, Canada in 1979 and Ph.D in Industrial and Systems Engineering from University of Wales, Swansea, United Kingdom in 1982. Prof Bolu, a professor of Mechatronics Engineering, Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering, the Nigerian Society of... view full profile