The Impact of Male Reproductive Health Problems on Conjugal Satisfaction: Implications on Women Fertility.
The impact of male reproductive health challenges within the conjugal relationship and their management have not been conspicuous in the literature till date. This study examined the incidence of male sexual diseases.....
Published at The International Journal of Social Sciences. Department of Human Resource Management, College of Business Administration, University, K.S.A. ISSN 2305-4557
Published in 2013
Amoo Emmanuel O and Ogbeide Francis
Amoo Emmauel O. » Emmanuel O Amoo is a dynamic senior faculty member having BSc, MSc, and PhD in Demography and Social Statistics. Supervises students and teaches courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the areas of Social Statistics, Population Studies, Principles of Economics, Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods, Reproductive Health, Demographic Techniques, Economics and Statistical... view full profile