Discursive Constructions of Borders In Online Feedback Platforms
This study applies (critical) discourse analysis to examine rhetorical strategies in online reactions to news reports of the mass shooting that occurred at a Navy Yard in Washington D.C. and the attack on Nairobi Westgate Shopping Mall in September, 2013 referred to as ‘crisis situations.’ ‘Online reactions’ refers to feedback comments often generated by online newspapers and other...
Published at Language Use in Crisis Situations: A Study of Rhetorical Strategies in Online Reactions to News Reports of the Washington Navy Yard Shooting and the Nairobi Westgate Attack
Published in 2013
Innocent Chiluwa &Esther Ajiboye
Ajiboye Esther » My teaching and research explore the potentials and implications of identified social, political, and digital communication practices. Its scope generally includes: social media communication on terrorism, secession, and other socio-political crises in sub-Saharan Africa; political communication; identity construction and negotiation; and online deception. view full profile