Connecting Wind Turbine Generator to Distribution Power Grid—A Preload Flow Calculation Stage
A distribution grid is generally characterized by a high R/X (resistance/reactance) ratio and it is radial in nature. By design,
a distribution grid system is not an active network, and it is normally designed in such a way that power flows from transmission
system via distribution system to consumers. But in a situation when wind turbines are connected to the distribution grid, the...
Published at Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
Volume 8
Issue 10
Pages 1811 - 1815
Published in 2014
Agbetuyi Ayoade Felix, Awosope Cladius Ojo Aremu, Awelewa Ayokunle Ajibola, Adoghe Uwakhonye Anthony, Odigwe Ani Ishioma and Samuel Adekunle Isaac
Agbetuyi Ayoade Felix » Dr(Engr) Agbetuyi Ayoade Felix obtained Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) degree in Electrical/Electronics from University of Ado Ekiti (Nigeria) in year 2001.He later proceeded to University of Benin (Nigeria) where he obtained Masters of Engineering(M.Eng) degree in Electrical(Power and Machine Option) in year 2006. He joined Covenant University in November 2006 and has since been a Lecturer in... view full profile