A Microcontroller-based active solar water heating system for domestic applications
A potential solution to adequate and sustainable electricity supply problems in most developing countries is dependent on proper harnessing of solar (radiant) energy. Owing to the over dependence on fossil-fuel based energy, there is an exponential rise in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere, thereby causing severe environmental degradation and ozone layer depletion. This paper...
Published at International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER)
Volume 3
Issue 4
Pages 837-845
Published in 2013
I.A. Odigwe, O.O. Ologun, O.A. Olatokun, A.A. Awelewa, A.F. Agbetuyi,
Agbetuyi Ayoade Felix » Dr(Engr) Agbetuyi Ayoade Felix obtained Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng) degree in Electrical/Electronics from University of Ado Ekiti (Nigeria) in year 2001.He later proceeded to University of Benin (Nigeria) where he obtained Masters of Engineering(M.Eng) degree in Electrical(Power and Machine Option) in year 2006. He joined Covenant University in November 2006 and has since been a Lecturer in... view full profile