The Influence of Behavioural Pattern, Self- Esteem and Work Environment on Job Performance.
In this study, work environment was seen as a psychological contract between the employee and the employer while job performance was seen as the level of input a paid worker puts in towards his job.
Published at Germany: VDM Verlag Publishers. 70 pages (ISBN: 978-3-639-31502-8).
Published in 2010
Oyeniyi, O. D & Adekeye, O. A.
ADEKEYE Olujide A. » Prof. Olujide A. Adekeye is a professional counsellor and lectures in the Department of Psychology. He practices as a counsellor in the University Counselling Center (CUCC). He is also involved in the partnership of Covenant University with the Prison Fellowship of Nigeria and SMEDAN tagged the “Onesimus Project” where psychosocial, therapeutic and rehabilitation services are rendered to... view full profile