Professionals and Non-Professionals Perception of Child Labour in Lagos State, Nigeria.
The study sought to investigate how working children are perceived in Lagos State. When treating issues pertaining to child labour, it is imperative to clearly define what constitutes child labour. Child labour is a global phenomenon especially in developing economies like Nigeria where poverty is the order of the day. Although most professionals and non-professionals agree that child labour...
Published at International Journal of Labour and Organizational Psychology
Volume 2
Issue 1 & 2
Pages 31-43
Published in 2008
Adekeye, O. A.
ADEKEYE Olujide A. » Prof. Olujide A. Adekeye is a professional counsellor and lectures in the Department of Psychology. He practices as a counsellor in the University Counselling Center (CUCC). He is also involved in the partnership of Covenant University with the Prison Fellowship of Nigeria and SMEDAN tagged the “Onesimus Project” where psychosocial, therapeutic and rehabilitation services are rendered to... view full profile