Women Development And Human Security Initiatives (WD & HSI)
Goals/Objectives of Project:
- Facilitate robust academic discourses on women literacy and empowerment in Ifekowajo LCDA by the publication of concrete research findings in high-ranking peer-reviewed journals;
- Improve the productivity and profitability of the income activities carried out by the women in Ifekowajo through functional literacy skills acquisition;
- Support the involvement of women at the grass root level in economic, community, political, national and social activities through functional literacy, civic education and empowerment skills;
- Augment the social networking capacity of rural women through functional literacy skills;
- Provide rural women with suitable knowledge for self-fulfillment and improved standard of living through functional literacy and empowerment skills;
- Give financial and literacy training (creativity and idea generation, saving culture, daily book keeping); and
- Support community development through functional literacy and empowerment skills.
List of Researchers
- Prof. T. Abioye
Contact Details of Facilitators
- Covenant University Centre for Research, Innovation & Discovery (CUCRID)
- Department of Languages