Centre for Systems and Information Services (CSIS)
The Centre for Systems and Information Services (CSIS) was formed from the inception of the University in the year 2002. We are a service Department offering a number of facilities to the staff and students of Covenant University.
The Centre for Systems and Information Services (CSIS) is the primary ICT service provider in Covenant University since its establishment in the year 2002 by the proprietor base of the institution. At CSIS, we work with every part of the University community-academic, support service, research, administration and professional services. Our core responsibility is to ensure proper deployment of ICT solution and services in teaching, learning, administration, student life, and research.
Our Vision
The Vision of CSIS is to become a world class centre of excellence where the potential of ICT is harnessed to transform the institution into an automated work environment that supports research and development to provide a customer-centred ICT and Business development services that:
- Is responsive to the needs of a diverse range of users.
- Is a valued and integral part of the University’s academic and business processes.
- Provides the lead in access to electronic forms of information
- Exploits technology to its full potential
- Leads and manages business process review in the University
- Provides leadership in the area of ICT to help ensure the effective use of academic and business information systems within the University
- Provides electronic e-Payment for financial operations.
- Provides e-Learning, e-Health, e-Examination e-Administration for the internal and external university communities.
Our Mission
The Mission of CSIS is to provide, coordinate, and facilitate the use of information technology resources to the satisfaction of the institution, its stakeholders, improvement and maintenance of the local area network (LAN). We achieve this by being:
- Profession and friendly
- Proactive as well as reactive
- Customer focused
- Collaborative and sharing
- Challenging and supportive Forward looking
Our Objectives
Modernizing the infrastructure and services that support research activities of the institution is a priority of CSIS. Our Objectives are therefore:
- To lead, manage and develop ICT in Covenant University
- To provide excellent customer centred services that are responsive to the changing needs of the user.
- To maintain an effective staff development programme which ensures that ICT staff continues to develop the necessary skills to provide high-quality services and support.
- To actively contribute to the University’s Sustainability agenda.
- To contribute to the University’s change agenda by promoting the effective use of ICT and leading a number of reviews of business processes within the University.
- To create and maintain data in the MIS system
- To manage and coordinate the entry of data into various database systems including students’ record/portal
- To develop database applications to support the internal processes
- To continue to analyze the University’s activities for automation.
- To undertake various data processing needs of the University.
- To plan and implement training activities for the various units.
- To collect and collate data and produce reports needed by external bodies and agencies such as WAEC, NECO, NYSC, NUC, JAMB and other professional bodies.
What We Do
CSIS offers a wide range of IT services to the University community. Some of our core activities are listed below and you can also find out more about many of our services from our website (csis.covenantuniversity.edu.ng). The following list outlines our primary focus:
- We provide required hardware service for the community for the purpose of learning, teaching, research and administration.
- We automate core services for the smooth running of the administration.
- We conduct period trainings.
- ICT Policy & Strategy development and Implementation.
- Data processing, Management services & Technical Support Services
- Website design, development and Maintenance.
- Provision of intercom for communications within the University with external community.
- Provision of Constant Intranet and Internet connectivity for both staff and student use.
- Management of the University Portals for registrations, learning, teaching, payment, etc
- Provision and management of electronics teaching aid.
- Provision and management of video conferencing and virtual learning.